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The Fall of Indian Philosophy: From Adi Shankaracharya to Ankur Warikoo

Writer's picture: Shaurya SaurabhShaurya Saurabh

Mainstream Indian philosophy has undergone a huge change in the past millennium, which has transformed from leviathan-esque concepts like “Atman” and “Brahman” into “financial security” and “mutual funds”. Around 1300 years ago, Bharat was fortunate enough to have a boy like Adi Shankar born on its soil. A boy that understood the misery and pain of existence and also understood that living without vying for liberation is slavery in itself. A boy that revolutionized mainstream Hinduism, freed it from the shackles of ritualism and dogmatism and revived our beloved Upanishads, he then gifted the world “Advaita Vedanta”, a philosophy so liberal and modern in its outlook that even the liberals of today might feel afraid in applying it to their day to day lives. A man that condensed and concentrated Hinduism to its very core, making it easier for all those who came after him, he did all of this by the age of 32 and then passed away.


What is saddening is the fact that the very land that once upheld and rejoiced Shankar’s teachings has completely forgotten him now. The average Indian is completely unaware of Shankar’s existence, let alone his sermons. We have gone from the pinnacle of philosophy, (so unconventional and path-breaking that even modern thinkers like Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins have talked about it a great deal) to becoming absolutely dense morons. Western thinkers and philosophers today know more about Vedanta than the average Indian. This is a travesty.


The west continues to extract the best of our philosophy, culture and knowledge systems, while we keep on clutching to the filth. Dogmatism and ritualism is all we know and care about, we don’t even bother inquiring about the philosophical background of our own Dharma, and that is precisely why our idol isn’t Adi Shankar anymore, it’s Ankur Warikoo. Because what is more precious and urgent than a “Systematic Investment Plan”, where you receive 10 crore Rupees in your coffers when you reach 60 years of age, Hooray!


The fall of Indian philosophy brings a tear to my eye, to see with my own eyes Ashtavakra and Adi Shankar being buried by the philosophy espoused by Ankur Warikoo and BeerBiceps. Brahman is no longer the sacred truth, its money. Money can do everything for you, why do need to read a book? When you can spend money on something useless whilst desperately hoping that it fills that deep void you feel within yourself.  Money and clothes and cars and mansions are the new Brahman. It’s the 21st century Brahman. Enjoy!




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