Welcome to the world. Since you are reading this article, I think it’s pretty clear that you exist, unless you’re some sort of a generative AI tool and are conducting research to increase your knowledge on this issue, become slightly more efficient and snatch away even more jobs. Today’s topic is fairly self-explanatory, how do we remain sane in a world so insane? And that is precisely what we’re going to address today.
We live in a world today where we are judged on the basis of a plethora of extremely frivolous things, we are judged by the tags on our shirts and jeans to the logo on the back of our phones, we are even judged on the basis of our accents. You might be fairly fluent and grammatically sound but all of that ceases to matter if you don’t project your words with a twinge of New York in it. We live in a world where self-proclaimed humanists and philanthropists feed poor children on the street for the sole purpose of getting a good candid shot out of that magnanimous act and then add it as a CV pointer when applying to colleges abroad with the caption “provided healthy and nutritious food to malnourished children”.
In a world where people are ready to slaughter their own brothers and sisters just so they can bequeath their share of the property as well. Where people do things simply because everyone else is doing it. Where religious superstitions are followed blindly with no one batting an eye. Where couples visit “religious saints” who in turn educate them on specific rituals and mantras and how those will help the couple in conceiving a baby boy.
Where people don’t buy cars for traveling from A to B, but rather for the ‘street presence’ of the car. Even one’s choice of transport is predicated on the amount of respect one can command while traveling. That is why buses and taxis are considered ‘cheap’, whereas every second-grade retard is driving an SUV, there is nothing special or utilitarian about the usage that SUV is often subjected to, since ‘street presence’ is obviously of greater importance.
Where people are so self-obsessed and insecure that even their marriage ceremonies are modeled after multi-billionaires and movie stars. Where the essence of a person is boiled down to the number of followers they have on Instagram. Where children are asked to become ‘something’ so that the parents can flex about their children’s achievements. Where your entire life is reduced to a checklist with tick boxes on the side. With each box ticked, you become a better human. In a world where there are humans but no humanity, how does one go about being sane?
It’s simple, stop existing. No, I am not promoting self-harm in any way, shape or form. When I say stop existing, I mean stop existing as an individual ego. Stop seeing things through the perspective of a person named x, y or z. Become an observer. Adopt a third person view to the events happening in your own life. Life becomes increasingly tolerable with this view in place. For example: when your phone gets stolen, don’t be sad or depressed. View it from a third person point of view, see the event as a person named ‘x’ who got his phone stolen by a person named ‘y’. While you ‘I’ is simply standing there almost like an invisible entity, watching all of this drama unfold. One you adopt this view, even a tight slap across your face ceases to be painful, since it is not you who got slapped, it’s a person named ‘x’ who got slapped by a person named ‘y’, while ‘I’ was busy munching on popcorn. Stop being the doer, become the observer and be free from the insanity of this world. This is the only possible solution via which one can continue to exist but still avoid pain to a great extent, the only disadvantage to this model is that you would have to be indifferent to happiness as well. You’d simply have to be distant from all the happenings around you.

Only in India. Translation: "We do not perform a caesarean delivery in accordance with the astrologically auspicious time. Kindly do not request for the same."