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Writer's pictureShaurya Saurabh

Echoes of Existence


Problems surround us, with every new step a new issue materializes out of thin air, so is this all existence concerns itself with? Solve one issue to be cornered by the next? We echo in all of eternity for peace but only get more problems in return, and that is precisely when it dawns on you, that existence doesn’t invite trouble, existence is trouble in and of itself. Nihilistic and pessimistic people are absolutist in their resolve, for they do not see any glimmer of hope in matters concerning human existence. I disagree, because there is a sliver of hope, it lies in the frank and irrefutable acknowledgement that our lives are really not that important.


In a world full of self-aggrandizing serious people, who think they are so important and crucial, it can be tough to be relentless in your pursuit of nothingness, for that realization is not in cahoots with the mainstream philosophy that drives our economy forward. The primal point of reconciliation can only arise when two things form a dove joint, i.e. when you realize that life doesn’t have problems, but life is a problem itself and that being a cynic won’t solve anything either. Of course it is beyond an individual’s pay-grade to resolve the qualm of ‘being’ by themselves. What can be however done is that we can begin to take the problems of our life way less seriously, since perception is the majority stakeholder here. Every event contains within itself the potentiality to be perceived in a thousand different ways, granted that there are some objective facts that one cannot conceivably falsify, we must also pay heed to the events that are gargantuan in their subjectivity.


To say everything is objective is totalitarian and reeks of authoritarianism, whereas to say everything is subjective reeks of lunacy and a queer brand of deluded leftism, for some things are simply not subjective in nature and no inherent goodness can be therefore sought in that domain. A child begging on the street is a visual that is absolute and objective in nature, where no amount of poetry and romanticism is going to alleviate his poverty. Whereas some events are birthed to dwell in subjectivity, a rich man who is depressed and wants to kill himself, go figure? The ‘money is everything’ argument takes a nosedive when you hear someone like Robin Williams, Kurt Cobain or Chris Cornell killing themselves.


What is imminent, is a resolute camaraderie with the truth. Anything less and you shall suffer, being close to the truth shall make you suffer as well, but at least that brand of suffering is consensual and dignified. Where’s the dignity in following orders and suffering all the same, a self-respecting individual would never do that, for suffering is inevitable, but at least the brand of suffering can be chosen for oneself. Half this, half that never works, because truth doesn’t pick sides. A day job for financial growth and a weekend hobby for one’s passionate endeavours, is a crime against both.


We echo with our sin of existence in all perpetuity, panting for peace but getting none, consider yourself a joke and set yourself free. Jesus says ‘Seek and ye shall find’ and all the halfwits start searching for it outside. You know why science has found no evidence for God and never ever will? Because science concerns itself with exterior knowledge, knowledge that is verifiable and falsifiable. Science dwells in the domains of those 5 sense organs. God was never in the sky, and so your fake religion failed, and atheism is taking over. When religion becomes dogma and spirituality becomes pseudo-intellectual tomfoolery, the young man will always become a disbeliever.


Echoes of existence, for we haven’t ventured inside, a big house and a Ferrari are not innately wrong in any sense of the term, what concerns the thinker is why does man run after big houses and fast cars, only to be cheated by the expectant luxury that never seems to arrive. Like Romeo left stranded by Juliet. Doing something or doing nothing are not absolutes, for you are always doing something or other, the question of inherent value is, why is the doer doing what he is doing? As long as religion concerns itself with the echoes of our existence, we shall be fine. But as long as religion is concerned with rituals, dogmas and stars in the sky and their apparent interest in our marriages, we shall always experience this incoherent  and undignified pain.


Pain is our reality, liberation is our goal, but we concern ourselves with quick shortcuts. If the realization has gathered itself unto your mind, that pain and suffering are non-negotiable, why must I not suffer in dignity? Why must I do what is obvious according to the groups outside? I live with myself and hence I concern myself only with myself.


Man might not have a right to peace or tranquillity or serenity, but for all that is high and just, man has the right to choose his own suffering and any self-respecting man with a soul that is intact will choose death over a life of non-consensual suffering. I choose to suffer but only on my own terms, for anything else would be akin to suicide. Compromises are celebrated or rather glorified in the society where I come from. Compromise for money, for work, for relationships, for existence, the echoes of existence.


I realize that I am extremely unimportant, a mere wave in the vast expanse of the ocean that lies in front, I realize that my existence is mostly meaningless but I also realize that I and only I can lend it any sort of meaning, for gaining one’s life’s direction from someone else would be a rape of one’s entire existence. Choice, that is all you and I possess, humans with it, animals without it.


Echoes of existence in all of eternity and perpetuity, where you and I dance wildly while the entire world burns down and is reduced to ashes. We sweat in the unending lack of profundity and meaning, simmering in the heat waves of having to become something. We dance not to avoid pain but to acknowledge, a dance of our choosing. Nature is cruel, unforgiving, insurmountable and indefatigable but you and I can at least hold hands and laugh at nature’s face while being burned to death.


If the battle you are fighting isn’t of your choosing, the victory shall be lifeless. I say, we echo in eternity with grace and flair. We echo in eternity with respect and honor. All the coffers in the world are hollow when one’s soul is at stake. I say, we live it to the hilt and stick it to the ones who obstruct our dash to the end with nothing but contempt for those who wish to limit us. I say, the echoes of our existence must resemble a shooting star, which burns the brightest and illuminates everything for a short while, never to be seen again. I say the only thing worth being is that shooting star, for there’s nothing more sacred than a man who lives for himself but with nothing to gain and nothing to lose, he fights with joy and dies with a grin, the wider the better. Pension plans are for losers, we live to never live ever again, we die to never die again, I say, that’s damned but that’s brilliant.


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